Have you seen the new ATD State of the Industry Report?
This year’s report surveyed 310 organizations across a diverse range of industries, sizes, and locations.
Overall, organizations spent $1,252 per employee on training last year, averaging 33.5 hours per employee versus 32.4 in 2014. This is an increase of $29 compared with last years’ spending, which significantly outpaced inflation.
There were several interesting virtual training related trends to note.
First, 42% of hours are offered via technology training, which includes all types of online learning. ATD and the Institute for Corporate Productivity recently found that 64 percent of organizations use virtual classrooms, and most current users expect to increase this use next year. These numbers show a slight increase from previous years and the average percentages of technology-based learning hours available and used by employees have continued an upward trend.
Overall, almost 10% of all offered training is virtual training, defined as instructor-led live online.
While the 10% hasn’t changed much in the past 2 years, it’s almost doubled since 2009’s modest 5.64%. And given that organizations spent $1252 on training last year, this 10% represents a little over $125 overall for each employee. That’s a significant amount spent on virtual training.
How do these trends compare to what you’re seeing in your organization? Leave your response in the comments below.