Designing Interactive Online Learning Journey

A 7-hour learning experience for instructional designers

Action Assignment: Preparation for Learning

Participants will get ready for this program by reflecting on their personal experiences with online learning, reading a short article that sets the stage for conversation, and preparing their workspace for the virtual classroom.

Live Session 1: Essentials of Online Learning Design

Experience an engaging virtual class while learning the foundations of how to build one:

  • Consider requirements of successful virtual classroom learning experiences
  • Recognize the challenges of remote learners, and the designer’s role in creating solutions
  • Apply a 3-Step design model to create interactive online learning programs
  • Analyze virtual classroom activities and sequencing to apply to your own programs

Live Session 2: Designing Engaging Virtual Classes

Discover the 5 common principles of interactive virtual classes while using online tools:

  • Recognize the importance of engaging participants through relevant and meaningful activity
  • Design live online programs with five rules of engagement in mind
  • Incorporate common virtual platform tools into interactive designs

Live Session 3: Creating Virtual Activities for Learning Transfer

Develop design skills needed to ensure learning transfer and on-the-job application:

  • Select and sequence activities to achieve desired learning outcomes (including scenarios, role plays, breakouts, whiteboards, and more!)
  • Create materials to support facilitators and participants
  • Incorporate evaluation into a virtual classroom learning design

Action Assignment: Preparation for Learning Lab

Participants will get ready for their learning lab presentations by applying lessons learned from the journey.

Live Session 4: Virtual Activity Learning Lab

Share your own work to receive input from peers and feedback from the expert facilitator:

  • Present your designed activity to showcase your learning
  • Receive peer input and expert feedback
  • Create an action plan to apply lessons learned in your own designs

Delivery Details

The program…

  • is facilitated as a 4-part online series with short self-directed assignments in-between each live online event.
  • has no more than 16 participants per cohort.
  • is not recorded, but instead requires live online participation.
  • asks each learner to log on individually from their own computer or device for the hands-on experience.
  • uses Cindy’s virtual classroom platform (such as Zoom, WebEx, or Adobe Connect) but the tools and techniques apply to any common virtual classroom platform
  • uses an online platform for learner communication and collaboration between sessions, to encourage ongoing learning and community.
  • includes an electronic handout and resource links for further independent study.

Cindy Huggett Consulting LLC has been pre-approved by the ATD Certification Institute to offer educational programs that can be used towards initial eligibility and recertification of the Certified Professional in Talent Development (CPTD) and Associate Professional in Talent Development (APTD) credentials. Maximum points vary by course.